Saturday, March 16, 2013

A late night thought Malachy' s Prophecy

SAINT PAUL'S JOKE calls for a return to the teachings as they apply to gentiles, and as they were dictated by Paul.

In his first sermon, Francis called for just that ... remember, the Vatican has the book, and the prophecy say Peter of Rome... but the first Peter was the foundation of the church... but it became a church that followed St Augustine, and the ancient teachings of what we can call pagan deities ... guys who came to earth and interacted with, and impregnated, humans.

That is not what Jesus, Peter, James and Paul taught... it is not what is in their scriptures... which are basically the letters of Paul. So this Francis is making noises like he wants to be Peter...

In that sense, the Peter to Rome aspect might have been accomplished... regardless of the name.

We are still looking for the destruction... Vatican, or City of Rome...

the clock is ticking...

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