Saturday, March 10, 2007

Origins in "Ararat" -- dietary effect?

Date Line March 9, 2007

As we travel through time, making connections between the land of Ararat, the Biblical and Hg R1a1, we enter the period of the second diaspora, and return to the Hatti Culture in what is now Armenia and was, in the time of Abraham the land of the Chaldees.

In a marriage treaty, circa 580 BCE the king stimulates: "My sister, whom I gave you in marriage, has sisters; through your marriage, they now become your relatives. Well, there is a law in the land of the Hatti. Do not approach sisters, your sisters-in-law or your cousins; that is not permitted. In Hatti Land, whosoever commits such an act does not live; he dies. . . . In your country, you do not hesitate to marry your own sister, sister-in-law or cousin, because you are not civilized. Such an act cannot be permitted in Hatti."

Those who are familiar with the Leviticus marriage laws – supposedly the Laws of Moses established circa 1313 BCE (2448 Hebrew Year) – might recognize the restriction of Leviticus 18:9 et al.
Author’s aside:

I slept on this, this parallel and origin coincidence. Where did the laws of Moses originate?

Biblical historians agree that the laws were those which prevailed in the Middle East of 1300 BCE. What is interesting is the fact that these laws prevailed among the cultures which were centered in the area of biblical mythical history – the land around Ararat.

We can look to Babylonia, and even argue that it is well south of the Ararat region; but then, Babylonia owes its existence to the Assyrian.
The Assyrian bring us back to the land of the Hittite and Urartu; the Urartu, as is well known, are the people of Ararat from which they either took their name, or gave it.

We have the reality that Hg R1a1 is the prevailing Hg of those cultures which we all agree are “civilized.” If we look to the Hittite diaspora, and the later Assyrian repeat, we find that it was the educated, the leaders, the wealthy upon whom Jewish society was built, who were the people relocated – the vast majority remained behind.

In the Babylonia exile period, only about ten thousand (10,000) were relocated – only Judea remained in any condition which could be referred to as “intact”.

But note, it is from Babylonia that we acquire “The Book”, and where we are given the prophecies which resulted in both Christianity and Islam.

As best as any current DNA studies can show, the leadership of all the powerful nations were all of the same bloodline(s) Hg R1a and Hg G – the bloodlines of Anatolia and Caucasus. The customs we view as being the most “Judaic” were not reported in the Judea of 2500 to 3000 year ago. Nor were they reported in Babylonia. Rather, we find the laws and practice of circumcision in the Caucasus Mountains.

Only the Cohanim Modal Haplotype – which identifies descendants of Judea’s hereditary priesthood – is not associated with the Anatolian regions. One must wonder at the ancient DNA of Judea: Who were the leaders there? Not the common people, but the nobility.

Though academic in nature, this is not a purely academic question; it relates to the spread of culture and the fact that the Brahmin class of India – which is associated with the Rig Veda, and easily predates the diaspora – are both Ararat/Caucasus and “Nobility”. Thus it appears that we are tracking the noble class of the ancient-modern world.

It also seems that their health, marriage and dietary laws contributed to their superior status. This, in turn, can be tracked to the discovery of the benefit of vegetarian diet, or the mandatory elimination of meat fat from the diet (as mentioned in at least five chapters of law: Lev 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). The Anatolian “Sea peoples” ate fish.

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