Friday, March 09, 2007

Indo-European Aryans

Date Line March 9, 2007

Who are we? Or more accurately, who are the Indo-European Aryans and who is them? Well we know who they are, they are the Hg R1a and to a later extent Hg G.

In examining the migratory path taken by “children of the garden,“ we discover they traveled eastward into Northern India and, as can be expected, Hg R1a1 is predominant in North Western India.

Among one of the lower castes – keeping in mind the Indian Caste system is recent, having emerged in the 13th -15th century, Hg R1a1 is present in 21% of male population of Dalit-Pallar agriculturists. Which is to say, as expected, it is significantly present among farmers.

The Dalit represent the lowest caste grouping; we might equate them to the fulfillment of the curse placed upon Adam – (Genesis 3:18-19) “Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground.”

In practice, the Dalit are those who do the real dirty work – those who lack the skills and knowledge to be merchants, or scholars – they are one who do manual labor.

In keeping with the Biblical parallel, the Dalit can be viewed as the heirs to Canaan: (Ge 19:25) And (Noah) said, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”

In reality, when dealing with the Indian expansion, we are going back before the Biblical period; we are going back to the time when agriculture first developed in Anatolia, and when the water flooded over the people living where we now find the Adriatic Sea.

Interestingly, when we look to the roots of the caste system, we are also coming forward to 2300 BCE – the time of the flood migration – when there was a drought across Anatolia, which extended as far as Egypt, and saw the spread of farming into Northwestern India.

In this period we also have the emergence, or appearance, of the Bactria Margiana Archeology Complex in the region of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; there too we find the evidence of writing.

Concurrently, archaeologists have established abridge of exchanges between Mesopotamian and Indus Valley cultures. Of course, it is in the Indus Valley that we also find the Rig Veda – whose stanzas show customs and beliefs which anticipate the scripture which would later come to be called “The Book (Bible).”

For our study, it is worth noting that Hg R1a1 is Aryan, and that all non-Dalit, and non-Adivasi castes in Northern India are Aryan. It is also worth noting that, in Southern India, only the Brahmins are Aryan.

Of further note is the significance R1a1in all religious castes with a tradition involving descent from the son’s of the primary deity.

In Genesis 6:1-2 it states: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

This legend, phrased in terms of an earthly manifestation of Lord Shiva, as “Lord Mallikarjuna”, sees, falls in love with, and marries, “Chenchu Laxmi” – a young Chenchu maiden – their descendants are believed to be the Chenchus. Like the Levites, Chenchus carry the same yDNA Loci and hold a special place in the temple.

Chenchus who live as Adam & Eve in the Garden and, in seeming accordance with the biblical, eat only fruits, refuse to eat beef, and do not farm, are therefore considered by Hindus to be unpolluted.

One of the greatest mistakes we find, among those who read “The Book”, is the failure to recognize that multiple “gods” are still one deity – just viewed as components in a multi-tasking role.

Once a perspective in which all deities are components of one is in play, the matching of the origins of each religion and culture back to their common root becomes intuitively obvious.

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