Date Line March 8, 2007
At this point in our journey it is worthwhile to mention, or reiterate, the DNA evidence and the regional association.
Fifty-two percent of Ashkenazi Levites are Hg R1a1 – the haplogroup which originated in Anatolia. The Creation Mythology associated with the Garden of Eden has been narrowed to the area to the east of Mount Ararat – location of the legendary ark landing. In short, the mythology does not belong to modern Israel, nor even to the region of ancient Judah.
Another genetic fact. Ten percent of Ashkenazi are Hg G. This is a genetic group also commonly found in Anatolia, and is specifically concentrated in the area north of the Caucasus Mountains – the former Soviet Georgia, which the ancients knew as Colchis.
Colchis is a rather interesting place. Situated on the eastern shores of the Black Sea, it is the kingdom of the legendary Golden Fleece; the kingdom where Herodotus (440 BCE) asserted circumcision was practiced. In the days of Herodotus, only Egyptians were known to practice circumcision – there was no “Israel.”
So we have it that the most significant identifier of the Judaic people is also identified in a location having close proximity to mythology central to Judaic texts. Who are the Jews? Who the admix?
As we see in the previous article, Abraham might well have originated in Anatolia, in the land where the deity Khaldi was worshiped by the Khaldians. Archaeologists are still debating, or determining, the true location of the scriptural Ur – it seems generally accepted that it was not the Ur identified with Persia (Iran), or modern Iraq.
We also know that the territories from which the “lost tribes” were relocated were originally settled – in biblical mythology times – by a people, farmers, who originated in Anatolia; and would therefore have the Hg associated with that region and time period.
As time progressed, shortly after the first diaspora – the relocation of Israel in 722 BCE – the Hittite Kingdom fell. The Khaldi once again bring us to Ararat known as the Kingdom of Urartu..
The Hebrews were effectively pointed back to, deported back to, a land from which they might well have come. Certainly it was a land of great importance and identification to them at the time when “The Book” was rendered to parchment.
Once again, note the proximity to Colchis on the Black Sea. The region to the north of which being associated with the character of Ashkenaz, grandson of Japheth, great-grandson of Noah (Ge 10:3).
Herodotus provides Colchis a place of importance by identifying them with the practice of circumcision and Egyptians, who he states:
“are the only people in the world – they at least, and such as have learnt the practice from them – who use circumcision. ....When they write or calculate, instead of going, like the Greeks, from left to right, they move their hand from right to left; and they insist, notwithstanding, that it is they who go to the right, and the Greeks who go to the left.”
Colchis was founded in the 13th century BCE – note: Moses dates to 1313 BCE and we are told reintroduced circumcision to his legion of Hebrew refugees.
This convergence of practices and times offers an interesting set of coincidences. They open the possibility that Moses was Hyksos, or was teaching and Egyptian practice learned from the Hyksos – also known as Habiru – who had been the Shepard Kings of Egypt for a hundred years.
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