Saturday, April 21, 2018

Korean War End? Nukes replaced by trade? "BELIEVE ME" history in the making.

The fun of the Trump Card Book Series... a year ago you were told what the news was going to be -- and now that's where the news is headed.

BK-1st 56-days: at first, there was No TRUMP CARD, it had yet to be dealt and Kim Jong-Un was smart enough to know that.  So it was that the game began.

BK-2nd 56-days: next they were Seeking a Trump Card, while the enemies of the democracy were playing their childish Russia's Bad games -- raising issues we knew existed in the Kennedy Era -- the CIA memos from 1962, and then again in 1982 to establish the game was on with Reagan too -- prove that Russia was messing with stuff for nearly half a century.
But still, Trump and Kim moved forward.

BK-3rd 56-days:  Yes, it's true, The Swamp Fights Back, and they don't care which side they hurt... on 8 July 2017 you were told and in March 2018 Comey's book came out to say that Obama Knew about the Russians and didn't care ... because Hillary would win... but was it that it was an "anyway" win, or a Russian backing win?

BK-4th 56-days: well, they do say, to The Victor The Spoils, but who would be the victor, if Pence became POTUS?  Who would be the victor, if the Korean War continued and DPRK continued to develop Nukes?  Would they strike a deal with Pence -- the guy who ignored Kim's wife?  In March 2018, Kim brought his wife out of the shadows and placed her front and center to enjoy the spotlight which shines on Trump's ladies.  

Next, we wrap it all up with a look at where the first 56-weeks has gotten us.  It's time to say those magic words: "'BELIEVE ME' 56-Weeks of POTUS 45 and then Week-57" {AMAZON, 6 March 2018}

Who you going to believe -- the guys who want POTUS PENCE?  Or the reality of the changes which are emerging?

The Democrats sue, the Republicans counter sue, and all because the Democrats are alleging Russia, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 election.  
But what did they disrupt?  A pattern of behavior condoned by Obama that dates back to Kennedy?  A common political bias vote that was consistent in each and every state?
The Russians as bad guys is a traditional right-wing mantra... why is the left so suddenly onboard with it?
  And what do they expect to show that Mueller is not going to find?
Is the DNC declaring that Mueller is incompetent?  It certainly seems that way.

Time will tell...  

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