Date Line March 5, 2007
We now see three maps connected by statements, archaeology and and yDNA. The statements are those of Genesis, which we can use – and, as others have used – to establish that the social roots of the possibility that the first farming community were in a region north of the fertile crescent. This is also the origin of Hg R1a.
Genesis 2:8-15 places the “garden” at headwaters of the Euphrates and Tigris. It also tells us that, associated with the expulsion, there were “fiery swords” in the air – most likely volcanic activity.
We are also told the river Pishon encompasses the land of Havilah – which has gold, bdellium and onyx stone. Thus we have specific geological information; the Gihon encompasses the land of Cush.
To the east of the garden are cherubim and “a flaming sword which turned every way” to protect the tree of life. The latter shows the beginning of nationalistic egotism – that their land holds the key to eternal life.
This egotism is continued with the curse placed upon any who slay Cain – a seven-fold punishment – and later the curse which Lemech takes upon himself (a seventy-fold retaliation for slaying a man). It is “Thou shalt not kill”; but with the beauty of. “Thou shalt not kill the killer.”
Think about it. Is this not the ultimate Biblical prohibition against the death penalty? The killer is to be marked, but not hurt. Isn’t it the ultimate condemnation of retaliation and revenge killing? Isn’t it a denunciation of the “Honor Killing”found in primitive Islam?
But we digress. The subject is Shreknangst and Hg R1a origins, or roots. Those roots were planted in 3761 BCE (Biblically abt. 5768 years Before Present, based Hebrew Calendar).
As we have no basis to assert the ages of Adam & Eve when the garden was closed to them, we cannot really assert a chronology from creation. Reading the text, we find no age reference prior to the “expulsion.”
It is possible the mythology authors considered Adam & Eve to be ageless while within proximity to the Tree of Life – this concept would be consistent with the “you will surely die” threat (Ge 3:3).
Assuming that Adam & Eve could not die while in the garden, the beginning of the Hebrew could can be zeroed to the expulsion.
The birth of Cain and Able follows immediately an so the authors could neither state “Adam was not yet 1 year old at the birth of Cain”; nor could they credibly state, “Adam was not yet 3 years old at the birth of Able.” Thus we have the first age given after the two have grown, and Able killed. We are told, “Adam lived 130 years (outside the garden), and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth.” (Ge 5: 3)
Thus we have Seth born, in Asia Minor, about 3630 BCE. With this information we can begin looking for civilizations which are divided into two lines – those of Cain and Seth.
We also know that it is in the line of Cain we will find a city, in the garden region, dated to about 3760 BCE; therefore we should also find evidence of Tubal-Cain (Ge 4:22) “the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron.” Indicating an existing culture.
Dating to this period, the world’s oldest city, Hamoukar, is located in a remote part of Syria, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Hamoukar has been dated to approximately 4000 BCE – making it both older than Sumer, and placing it in the right location to be the city of Cain.
Archeological evidence of locally grown wheat, oats and barley at Tell Hamoukar indicates an absence of irrigated fields. It therefore appears northeastern Syria was once much wetter than it is today – this conforms to evidence of a major drought which is the topic of a future article dealing with the period around 2300 BCE.
The undated family tree flows from Adam, via Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lemech, to Tubal-Cain, spans six 30-year generations from Cain – 180 years, or 3580 BCE, to an iron age.
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