Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Is this REALLY a TRUMP RALLY -- looks that way

Now that the DOW did a record reversal and then a bounce, time to check Trump's claim that the Rally is all his.
The charts say he is correct.
we have a one-year which dates from April 2017slope -- it says the Top reached the first week in February 2018 matches the slope from the bounce on 6 February back to September bottom.

Jump back to 1987 and check the slopes -- Reagan/Bush to Clinton to Trump.  The downside outlier is George W crashing the market over a period of a year.

So check the Obama-era... 2015 to the November election and the market fluctuates with a fixed range.  Then we see the November breakout affirmed with the inauguration and a sharp up-run with a September 2017 breakout ... which overshot the top and corrected last Friday (3 February 2018). 

We are now comfortably inside the rally slope range.  YES!  It is a Trump Rally that was built on the Obama Recovery.

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