Here are the 188 countries as ranked by the United Nations Human Development Report standard. This is a standard based on objective evaluation criteria and is the basis for multiple Academic papers. As for the data itself, that is The Human Development Data (1990-2015) and includes separate component data download pages -- such as Gender Inequity. All 15 supporting tables can be downloaded in XLSX format with a single click.
It should be no surprise that racist nations and nations opposed to America should ignore their own organizational evaluation standards and condemn America for a simple two word summary of those nations consistently ranked at the bottom -- that is, SHITHOLE NATIONS whose citizens are fed up and want out, but lack the basic health an education standards needed by advanced high ranking nations.
It should also be no surprise that the same nations condemning Trump are the ones that attack Israel physically or politically -- and, as we recently saw when it came to recognizing the 3000-year historical reality of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
That historic reality is something recognized in both the Old and New Testament Bible and is asserted by the Prophet in the Holy Quran; it is, therefore, anti-scripture and an affront to the deity of any Muslim, Christian, or Jew who denies it.
For Westerners confronting the Islamic Jihadist Terrorists who falsely claim to be following the will of a deity affirmed in the Koran to be the God of Israel, the UN resolution by allegedly Muslim countries, is actually welcome proof that it is they, and not Western Christians -- those who recognize Jerusalem as the capital city -- who are doomed on Judgement Day and will be among the first killed when the MUSLIM MESSIAH arrives.
{As established by the timeline published in 2014, in "Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era", that arrival is within the next two decades.}
Of course, there are the vast majority of non-religious individuals and those who follow non-Abrahamic faiths, who can rely upon the fact that over time, the "Bad Guy" always loses. Terrorist are, of course, part of the "Bad Guy" definition, so the idea that the scriptures agree simply adds a comic and gratifying aspect to a known reality.
In any event, The United Nations ranking, designed by a Pakistani economist, is clear. Trump was talking about SHITHOLE NATIONS, and when he singled out NORWAY as the desired source of immigrants, he was recognizing that they have consistently been NUMBER ONE in that lanking. Moreover, when he praised AUSTRALIA, he was, on average, praising the NUMBER TWO nation in the world.
And while we can say that Barack Obama, under pressure from obstructionist Right-wing Republicans like Ted Cruz, had guided the nation from 5th in 2012 to 10th in 2015, on average America ranks 4th. When Trump says MAGA, he is actually saying we need to get rid of those "TED CRUZ TYPES" who have been promoting THE MOST HARM TOP THE MOST PEOPLE and return the USA to a rank equal or superior to the quarter-century historic average.
How Trump will do that?
Well, that has been the unlying subject of the Trump Card book series.
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