Friday, January 12, 2018

'SHITHOLE COUNTRIES' they are the ones the United Nations Identifies as such.

Yep Trump got it 100% correct.  The media is upset because they are either too stupid to know that or too embarrassed to admit it.
But the reality is, the UN has generated a report covering 1990 to 2015... and will soon release the report for 2016 and 2017.
If those countries were NOT shitholes, why are it's native-born so anxious to leave it to come to a country where Donald John Trump is President?
NORWAY is number one -- that's why Trump wants them... if they were coming here, it would mean the USA outranked it.  
It would mean the USA was going to learn from them so that it could become Number One.
Those who attack Trump would love to see the USA sink to the bottom of the list... or...  they would like to base immigration purely on Race -- NO WHITES NEED TO APPLY.  
Comically, they are Europeans who probably have decided that they don't need the competition from other Europeans.
America needs highly skilled workers who believe they can profit from being here -- in that case, no minor paperwork will stop them.  Those who don't see it as minor paperwork probably aren't smart enough to be the type of people the USA is going to need over the next two decades.

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