Friday, December 01, 2017

Call them Atheists -- but they speak factus to ignorance.

OK Here are some [people who may have gotten a claim on reality ... 

‘Just Skip Church’: Atheist billboards in DFW say Christmas story is ‘fake news’

Based on REAL HISTORY, of course, it is fake... You can read the year by year history in "SAINT PAUL'S JOKE" {Amazon, September 2012} ...
For starters, the date of YEAR ONE was off by SEVEN YEARS from the story ... Herod died in 4BCE, Jesus in Egypt two years before then and probably a year old, when his family arrived there so he was born in seven BCE. Herod, had history of killing his Jewish children -- and that means Herod may have been the father of Jesus (or Mary & Joseph had sex before she went to visit her relative whose husband was a High priest at the temple... the divine intervention pertained to than relative.. ] GEE BUT DON'T LET HISTORICAL FACT GET IN THE WAY OF ANCIENT SUPERSTITION. LOL when the Pope studied a pre-release of St Paul's Joke, he retired from the religion.

The Biblical claim that Jesus was only begotten "Son of God" was to give him a step up on all the other deities who had kids with mortals ... those deities were the children of God, and so their kids were the Grandchildren of God ... 
That historic con was the basis for civilization -- as shown in the book  "Grandpa Was A Deity: How a Tribal Assertion Created Modern Culture" {Amazon September 2011}  AGAIN... using history, fact and historical mythological assertions spread by those who took power since the time of the Indus Valley until the present day European and Indian governments. ...  
PLUS they gave China its ancient tradition, which is bringing it back to the power it has held since 250BCE.  "Grandpa Was A Deity: "  and the Serpent combined with a tree and women yields intelligence and wisdom, and knowledge.
But the superstitious are too dimwitted to grasp the reality -- they believe in creationism, interventionist deities of evil and some even assert the earth is flat.

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