Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I was raised wrong

I was raised wrong.

I was raised to stand against the tide that is going against me, or flow with it to hasten my journey.
I was raised to think. Clearly not of value in today's world.
I was raised to analyze information, and where points were in question, request, or seek out, more data.
I was raised to provide the "Bottom Line", to give the answer and not the analysis process. It was assumed that I had mastered the first two and therefore explanations were definitely NOT in order.
I was raised to challenge anyone in "authority" -- who I didn't know -- to prove their place was warranted and their authority could be trusted.
I was raised to go for the right answer, regardless of the cost.
I was raised to seek the most reasoned and sensible path to that answer -- so as to keep costs low.
I was raised to retain that which could prove useful, and to disgard that which had no prospect of being useful.
I was raised to lament, but not agonize over, that which was discarded but later proved to be of potential value -- that which would have been useful if it were still had.
I was raised to hold to the validity of my decisions -- trusting that they were right based on the information I had at the time.
I was raised to change ongoing actions based on newly acquired information -- today that is be called "flip-flop" and is considered bad, while maintaining a path that is clearly self-destructive, but consistent with what has gone before, is considered good.
I was raised to avoid self-destructive behavior, but accept it as the price of victory over another -- who would suffer greater from the continued path.
I was raised to believe that the worst that could happen is that I might die -- and to understand that none live forever, so the choice of time and place has merit.
I was raised to not get "dirty" and thus not have the need to come "clean".
I was raised to be truthful, but, if doing so would cause another unnecessary harm, not necessary tell the full truth.
I was raised to be polite.
I was raised to be insulting.
I was raised to be to know when I was being which.
I was raised to show the respect I am shown.
I was raised to show enhanced disrespect for those who disrespected me.
I was raised to play by the other guys rules, without violating those I was raised to live by -- and thus always win.
I was raised to belive the cost of winning was higher than the cost of losing -- and to pay the price with confidence.
I was raised to believe in myself and the long-term importance of my place in the world.
I was raised to believe in a creator who created themself.
I was raised to we are all our own creations and what we feel is what we wanted to feel.
I was raised to believe that, if you don't like it, you change it.
I was raised to we can change anything; but some things should not be changed.
I was raised to we can change anything; but some things just aint worth the effort.
I was raised to walk the track and climb the arbor.
I was raised to know that a prince is not his clothes.
I was raised to know that a king is not his scepter.
I was raised to know that a craftsman is not his tools.
I was raised to know that the grapes are not sour, though they might still be out of reach.
I was raised to know the tortoise will always win the race.
I was raised to know that fools make life difficult for us all.
I was raised to know words have meaning.
I was raised to know actions, and words, have consequences.
I was raised to most people are fools.
I was raised to not top suffer fools quietly -- if doing so would hurt me.
I was raised to give individuals the chance to prove that last line wrong.
I was raised to enter a negotiation -- all life experience is a negotiation -- with the idea that all courses have a benefit of a cost.
I was raised to determine the maximum benefit from winning on a point, and weighting that against the cost of being wrong.
I was raised to determine the maximum cost from yielding on a point, and weighting that against the cost standing firm.
I was raised to yield on anything where the cost of not yielding was greater than the cost of standing pat.
I was raised to negociate in the most cost effective manner.
I was raised to make the best offer for all concerned the first offer.
I was raised to allow the other party to make their worst deal -- so long as they believed they were right
I was raised to allow those who were warned to plunge to their own destruction.
I was raised to cover myself, to have a backup.
I was raised to survive -- as Maimonides said, to "choose life" over "martyrdom".
I was raised to know it is better for a child to stand on their own two feet, then in the shoes of a parent.
I was raised to understand that all families are dysfunctional and that 50's families were an illusion.
I was raised to know that parents become estranged from a child because the child wishes it so.
I was raised to know that "That's just the way they are, accept it" covers most grievances.
I was raised to look for the positives and not dwell on the negatives.
I was raised to focus on real facts, rather than illusional beliefs.
I was raised to know there are those who blame others for their mistakes
I was raised to deny people the right to impose on me, as my fault, the fruits of their mistaken thinking.
I was raised to understand why wisdom (scripture and saying) declares the survivors shall inherit.
I was raised to understand why wisdom (scripture and saying) declares the meek shall inherit.
I was raised to understand why wisdom (scripture and saying) declares the last shall be first.
I was raised to understand.
That doesn't make it easy.
I was raised wrong.
I should have been raised to take the easy path, to bow to the idiots and fools and take their gifts -- that which they cast off -- with glee.
I should have been raised to bow and scrape -- not stand and fight.
I shall be eternally grateful to have been raised wrong.

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