Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Woodcock One -- introduction

Maine Republicans have nominated Chandler E Woodcock for Governor. He is a Right-wing Conservative, a lay preacher, a proponent of Creationism – hence an anti-evolutionist.

He opposes abortion where the condom breaks, or diaphragm shifts; but, unwilling to challenge the Supreme Court, will allow it in cases of rape, incest, and where the life of the mother is at risk. He also lies – his first of the campaign followed immediately upon his winning the nomination – he proclaimed he is not a Conservative.

Woodcock the Creationists. There is a delight to the concept of Creationism, at once more stimulating, and more relaxing than any beach book – but with less substance and more far reaching consequence.

As readers know, I subscribe to the notion of an all wise, all knowing, and perfect creator. The creator I envision is wise, and fully intelligent enough to have devised a self-improving, self-modifying, self-adjusting (or correcting) universe – and organisms with the same qualities to populate it.

The creator I envision is much like one depicted in the Genesis version of the ancient Sumerian creation myth. In modern terms, he would be described as a scholarly businessman and possibly hobbyist.

He would be really involved with whatever work omnipotent types do – judging by the reference to other omnipotent types, apparently a very competitive business.

In any event, we are told he achieved the degree of success which allowed him a garden; a place where, after six of his work days, he could just kick back and stroll about – enjoying “natural” beauty.

Of course, like most super successes, he needed someone to tend the shrubs, keep things orderly, name newly evolving creatures – normal servant stuff. So he created a gardener – a lowly creature, but of high enough intelligence to comprehend basic directions.

To generate the organic life, he apparently needed some of his own DNA. To make the caretaker, called man, he filtered out some things, and enhanced others – things necessary to make something that looked like himself, and function in a compatible manner.

After a period , it’s unclear if it is hours, weeks, months or years, the boss decides the man needs a companion – the other life forms don’t seem to compatible. Always the perfectionist, the material used is again filtered – the resulting creature is thoughtful, and intelligent.

It could be argued the all knowing creator knew what he was doing, and where things would go, and approved – but wasn’t about to tell his creation. However, this is not what Creationists argue.

Creationists hold Mr All-knowing Omnipotent messed up – he lacked the knowledge to see where his creation would go; lacked the wisdom and intelligence to get it right the first time; and, in many regards, wasn’t as competent as entities he created.

Enter the “Intelligent Agent” – here is an entity whose sole purpose appears to be to correct the screw-ups. The greatest role being to test diseases on animals and modify them into pandemics that can exterminate man. But again, Mr All-knowing Omnipotent proves a failure. His “Intelligent Agent” can’t create anything problems which man cannot surmount.

Of course there are men like Woodcock – men who worship the intelligent agent, bow to it, and beseech its forgiveness and protection – ignoring the fact that it’s purpose is to destroy them.

We start with a perfect world, a paradise, and Eden – but screw-ups, lack of knowledge, faulty design, and the specific creation of a logical, but malevolent intelligent entity, lead to its destruction. The Creationist blame the creation, and not the designer who screwed up.

As a Creationist, look for Woodcock to blame you when he screws-up the management of the state.


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