Sunday, October 16, 2005

Should the Scribe Think?

A philosophical query: “If we believe something happened, and act on that belief, did it in fact need to have happened?” Faith is acceptance without the need for corroboration – and we act on it.

Right-wing fundamentalist Christians, are fearful of a deist God who boots up Earth like a computer with a big bang, and simply allows it to function in accordance with its programming. Such a deity, they believe, has no need for further intervention in human life, love and salvation.

Their narrow view dictates that a supernatural force which instantaneously fine-tuned all creation, at the time of initial creation, and gave rise to physics, chemistry, biology and intelligent life – only to vanished - denies any justification to pray in times of peril, or rejoice in life’s wonder and beauty.

Fundamentalists demand a deity be "objectively present and psychologically available” at the whim of humanity. They cannot understand why the Greeks included among the evils in Pandora’s Box a quivering “Hope” – they recognize it is about “hope vs. hopelessness," but do not understand that it is really between the inaction spurred by hope, and deliberate action for self-salvation.

No creator God means no redeemer God, hence no need for Jesus to die for humankind on the cross. For evangelicals such as Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, the failure to kill Jesus is the starkest tragedy imaginable.

The demand for a human sacrifice, shared by those who cannot think prior to creation, is a glaring demonstration of the justification for so many end-of-time prophecies – such thinkers need to be swept aside for the creation to achieve its goal.

Look at the first line in the Book of Genesis, “In the beginning God created...” The words declare that the beginning being described is ours – but where is the explanation? Why were we created? It is clear that without knowing the purpose or objective, any declaration of intervention is depressing.

Intervention denotes an absence of choices – a universe in which the rules are constantly changed. In an evolutionary universe, quantum theory allows that all possible choices can occur – and that we are living only one possible path. This infers a deity who sees all possibilities, because they occur.
Why did Adam need a mate? How did the deity begat sons who mated with human women? Is the universe infinite – without beginning or end? Is the deity without beginning or end? A circle is a representation of the infinite.

Instead of copping out – saying “just is” – what if a beginning is the end, and the end the beginning? What if the reason fro the “Big-Bang”, that moment of creation, was conception of the deity? What if, as some ancient faiths hold, the deity gave birth to itself?

Everything would have to happen – for the experience which begets all-knowing knowledge. The concept of freewill, random decision making, defines each quantum path – with all paths leading to one, inescapable, outcome... that moment of rebirth which begins it again.

With each birth, the entity follows a single path; walking among us, as one of us. Imagine the deity seeking self-awareness. Reincarnating as bagger, king, or prophet. The words of Matthew 24 take on new meaning, and prophecy becomes past experience relived among a different set of choices.

Sigh, just the musings of a humble scribe pondering upon, and within, the Season of Faith.

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