Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On to Abraham - another Hg R1a1

Date Line March 7, 2007

Up to this point, we have been focusing on the correlation between Hg R1a and the Biblical Genesis – the location of the Garden of Eden and the children, the tribes, of Noah.

In both instances our investigation revolved around a small area of Anatolia located on the border junction between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. Biblically, Noah’s flood is associated with the Hebrew year 1540; that is 4228 years BP, or 2221 BCE.

As we travel toward the time of Abraham, and the introduction of circumcision, we need to stop at the meanings which underlie the names of Noah’s sons: Japheth, Shem, and Ham.

The territories of Japheth are those directly associated with Hg R1a – but what of symbolic meaning of the Name, or blessing? Japheth occupied Caucasus, and is therefore the figurative progenitor of the Slavic people; but he is also to dwell in the tents of Shem, and have Canaanites as his servants.

In reality, the Indo-Europeans (Hg R1a) founded the Silk Road and many of its related major religions. Shem gives us the term Semite. Can we therefore conclude that the Bible ordains that Semites shall own the shelter (real estate) in which Caucasians shall live?

As we move forward in time, we come to Abraham –circumcision – and the assertion that he found his wife Sarah among the Chaldees.

Another puzzle to puzzle over: Who were the Chaldees. We know the city Ur is mentioned, but who are the Chaldees? One possible definition: astronomers, men of learning; but another possibility is available, one which returns us to Anatolia, circa 1713 BCE.

Specifically, we will visit the Hittite kingdom and a cuneiform text which reads: “By the greatness of the God Chaldis, Argistia, son of Menuas, built this mighty stronghold ...” The followers of Chaldis are Khaldi, their’s is the land of the Chaldees.

The Hittite built their Kingdom in the territory the native culture of central Anatolia, the Hatti. The Hittite were, of course, Caucasian, their deity rendered them Chaldi (as it did members of the Urartu, synonymous with the Old Testiment Ararat).

As the map shows, it is from the land of his birth, the land of the Chaldees – Urartu – that Abraham entered Canaan (Ge 11:28). Is Abram’s “Ur” the one recently identified in in central Turkey – in the Hittite empire?

The insert identifies the Hittite Kingdom to the west of the Khadis, or Chaldi, Kingdom. Within the western region we find the Ur of the Old testiment Abram and Sarah. Of course, we are concerned with Hg R1a, which is precisely the Hg we would expect to have among the Hittite Kings; and given the biblical specification of the Khadis region as the origin of “mankind”, the case seems made.

Having reached the period of Abraham, during the Hittite era, it is worth noting that – just prior to the collapse of the Hittite empire – the Hittite engaged in a diaspora which returned the Israelites to Khadis, where they would have strengthened the Hg R1a1 presence in the genetic pool.

Approximately three hundred years later, after the second diaspora, Herodotus reports the existence of circumcision, the presence of people having and Egyptian appearance and the fact that this practice was unique to only this region and Egypt.

The history supports the scriptural guidelines and further and also shows a point at which the tribes of Shem and Japheth come together.

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