Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Utilization of Myth for DNA tribal migration

Date Line March 28, 2007

In discussing the origins of peoples, we are discussing matters back in an age when writing was new, had neither vowels nor punctuation. People wrote to document what they knew, believed, or wanted to believe based on some common oral tradition.

In the references, the idea of a literal king of a certain name really doesn’t work. Each nation seems to have had, as they do now, its own name for sites and people. The key element of the stories is the factual references which MUST have existed, or been “known”, by the initial intended audience.

For true or false, Rulers and nations documented their existence in terms of genealogies – connections back to earlier oral, or written, history. The written history might only have been a name reference on a tablet, with no real documented history of who the person was; but it was probably known (because grandpa died in it) that there was a war, or battle in a given period and location. That is the history we are dealing with in terms of DNA and probable origins.

In the case of DNA mutation origins, we are also confronted by cluster patterns – areas where people of one tribe/clan/family settled and successfully reproduced. A genetic cluster can mean many things: it can be a point of successful origin and population growth; it can represent a migratory settlement having nothing to do with point of origin; or it can be isolated population who managed to escape war, famine and plague and subsequently expanded into devastated areas.

When I utilize the history or mythology, I look for places that can be identified, and work on the premise that there was a reason why those places were utilized in that context. The use of Ararat in the flood stories; which is also a central location in the land of the Khaldians (who are also referenced); which is also a cluster region associated with the early emergence of a specific haplogroup; who are also associated with two regions which experience significant flood destruction in a time when admixes became the norm; I tend toward a hypothesis which holds these “coincidence” to have meaning.

To that I add the recognized Phoenician/sea people/Hyksos/Canaanite association which archaeologically also connects back to that common region and the area of the Black Sea. And to that the emergence of the same common haplogroup along routes traveled by those Phoenician and come to the conclusion that the haplogroup belonged to the dominant element – the one most likely to reproduce – within those “Sea People”.

The model is observable in everyday life. There is a working class and ruling class. The degree of mobility between the classes determines the nature of the gene pool within those classes. What is interesting in the biblical context – this class association is actually codified in the marriage laws – Each tribe can marry only within its members, while the Rabbinical upper strata of any one tribe can marry into the Rabbinical Levite tribe. It is the ultimate caste system – and seems to have broken down only with the three diaspora (the third being the destruction of the Temple by the Romans). And when discussing common cultural traits, the Brahmin – the noble cast of India – tend to also be R Haplogroup.

Culturally, they (R1a/R1a1 etc haplogroup) all fall under Indo-European and so provide an archaeological basis for tracking the cultural migration and influence among indigenous peoples who would, by shear force of numbers, absorb the migrant elements to become the seeming originators to the earliest cultural divergences.

This pattern of cultural modification is observable in America, and is becoming observable in modern Europe.

Here, disease, along with the shear force of numbers and brutality of the invaders, lead to the destruction of the indigenous peoples. By the nature of the influx, the territory also became a “melting pot” which blended a multiplicity of cultures into a force actively overwhelming those who seek to retain ancient, or primitive, superstitious beliefs.

Curiously, we are manufacturing our own superstitions, mythologies and legends. There is a necessary need for such things – though why is yet to be determined.

It really doesn’t matter if we are talking Philistines or “Billy the Kid” – or “Wyatt Earp”, or the Alamo, or Paul Bunyan – we invent our legends around either real people or real classes of people who are portrayed as bigger-than-life.

In some cases – like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King – very real people become legendary figures, or icons of ideals.

In an earlier age and time, when oral tradition dominated, these figures would have attained “Biblical” stature. But there would still be the common element of a factual anchor to their travels and the places, or events, they were associated with.

Regardless of the distortion, there would remain the element of “my grandfather”, “my grandmother” was there; or the reference to a place as still being known by a name, or now being known by this new name. There would be the factual anchor which is necessary to lend credence to the story.

When we trace cultures, and DNA groups, we need to do so with artifacts – physical or biological – we need also take into account the oral and written traditions of each successive group. We need to look for common language or reference points.

As I have pointed out in earlier postings, one such common element is the idea that “a son of ‘G-d’ found a local woman beautiful and they had a child who became important.”

In mundane terms, the boss’ son, a son of the ruling class, or ruler, found a local woman attractive enough to marry; and they had a son (daughter) who became very important within our culture – raising us up above the others.

As I mentioned in terms of the Indian Caste System, we find just such a legend, and genetically distinguishable people in the Chenchu – whose R1a/R1a1 DNA reflects Brahmin connections, and is readily distinguished from surrounding tribes.

Of course, we also find variations in the Greek, and Old testament – and as I have cited, but will provide her by direct citation and quote:

‘Multiple Origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestries’ (Behar et al) –
‘The haplogroup frequencies found in the six Jewish and four non-Jewish data sets are shown in table 1. The table confirms the presence of R1a1 as the modal haplogroup in the Ashkenazi Levite Jews (52% of chromosomes).”

Behar goes on to say, “This haplogroup is found at similarly high frequencies in the two Slavonic-speaking populations (Sorbians and Belarusians), but at a maximum frequency of only 5.8% among the other five Jewish data sets (mean frequency 3.2%)."

As mentioned in previous postings, the occurrence of the R1a1in the Ashkenazi Levite and Sorbian-Belarusian undeniably argues a genetic connection. This connection is further strengthened by the association between Ashkenazi Levite Yiddish and the form of German spoken by the Sorbian.

Both facts argue they were once a common people – or an admix from the fifty-two (52%) percent Ashkenazi Levite into the Sorbian and Belarusians. That admix hypothesis is strengthened by the know levels of forced conversion, and social isolation common to all three populations.

The close connection between the Sorbian and Ashkenazi was shown by the Nazi desire to exterminate both peoples.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Haplogroup link

Date Line March 26, 2007

To reiterate connections;
The Ashkenazi are composed of various haplotypes which can be classified as fifty-two (52%) percent R1a1; ten (10%) percent G; a percentage representing Aaron’s hereditary priesthood through the CMH classification; and the J, or Middle Eastern, haplogroup.

The name Ashkenazi refers to the territory of Ashkenaz, which we also know as Soviet Georgian or Georgian, and in the period of Greek history and mythology was identified with the kingdom of Colchis.

The territory to the immediate north, known as the Russian Steppes, was the home of the Scythian, or Kurgan, cultures. To the south and east we have the Brahmin culture associated with the Rig Veda and Indo-European – who, in turn, are also associated with the Scythian.

As we track people, deities, and language groups, certain specifics appear to be constant. The most notable is the existence of a trading culture dominated by one haplogroup – the R1a.

We can even find them within Biblical reference – which also asserts, by necessary inference, their existence in the Byblos area as far back as 1300 BCE. This identification and inference is, of course, the division of tribal territories and a tribal connection mandate which specifically designates a mercantile tribe.

Our area of focus is the territory of Canaan – between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean – which the tribal assignment shows is associated with the scholars of Zebulun and the merchants of the tribe of Issachar.

Deborah’s song (Judg. 5:14) associated writing with the scholars of Zebulun: "Out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer." We know that the Hebrew language is a branch of the Phoenician, and so associated with the Canaanite territory.

Of importance is that we are told Zebulun, a Tribe of Numbered at Sinai (Num 1:31) and before entering Canaan (Num 26:27), is one of the tribes which did not drive out the Canaanites, but only made them tributary (Jdg 1:30).

From the biblical, we therefore are told to seek a genetic admix and cultural overlay within the Canaanites.

The Tribe of Issachar was assigned the role of funding, or supporting, the Zebulun scholars; we can therefore expect that there would be at least two genetic components in the Judaic peoples of this region. It is also of note that these people were subject to a diaspora in 722 BCE – one which brought them to the Caucasus Mountains.

If the mercantile class (tribe) were the R1a and the scholars the J, we would have an Ashkenazi match. That the merchants were R1a is consistent with that haplogroup appearing wherever a Jewish trade settlement appears along the Silk and Amber Roads.

The R1a is also the group which we can consider dominant. In India they would be the Brahmin – the leaders. This is consistent with the economic and cultural power which is exerted by merchant classes around the world and in every time period.

In modern terms, the R1a would be the Corporate owners; the local populations – more numerous – their employees, or tributaries. Thus, when we seek to identify the true Phoenician, or rulers, we can easily be mislead into believing that they were indigenous.

Cultures which share artefacts – no mater how stylistically varied – based upon common technologies are related by those technologies. It is the communication of the technology which defines the external class, population, or root culture.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WE are the rational people

Date Line March 14, 2007

To this point, yDNA has linked us to the early origins of religion; and established the premise that they all relate back to one people, in one geographic location.

Implicit in the understanding of the reality of “spiritual” connections, or identity, is an understanding of both logic and ego – as we are told by most texts “Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.”

Common to the belief systems, those which survived the process, is the focus on knowledge and learning; with a specific focus on reading and writing. Unless the doctrine and belief system can be expressed in a coherent “timeless” format, the underlying beliefs cannot stand.

Moreover, unless the structure contains some logical core, it cannot withstand the evolution of the culture. Christianity and Islam are the most recent entries into the battle. Both originate in the same region and with the same people. Both are built on the ancient texts of the Hebrew Books.

However, both these “modern” religions bring superstition and blind obedience to the forefront. In Christianity we must believe in the supernatural and – picking up on the flood narrative – an ignorant deity, one which does not know how to achieve its goals, one which makes mistakes and, in these forms, requires man to correct them.

The utilization of man echoes one view of the Exodus. However, in Exodus, and earlier in the Garden story, man is manipulated – he is told what will happen and then it is made to happen.

In Eden, the goal of giving man knowledge – and a drive for eternal life – is hidden in the fall, the temptation which foreknowledge would declare must, logically, be tested. Eve, the storehouse of logic and the guide for man’s evolution, tests the fruit with her own life before offering it to her mate.

In the flood, natural events are used to declare the destruction of a single people – and the survival of the one who could see it coming. We are told it was “universal” and that the dead were a “mistake.”

In earlier versions, the dead were simply “too loud’; they made too much “noise” – as opposed to intelligent sounds of speech, analysis, or discussion. In earlier versions the flood lasted seven days; in the new, creation was seven days and the flood forty.

The logic took over – nobody experienced a forty day period of non-stop rain; but many knew seven days, and so knew that its waters could not cover the world.

The earlier seven days was consistent with what the originators did know – the Adriatic flooded quickly, and wiped out their homes in an instant, sending some survivors to the high ground, and seeing other cast adrift in boats, or structures. Logically, it was necessary to save the livestock – and the ark story was born.

Logically, it was also an absolute necessary that “other people” be explained – in the Hebrew, these are the sons of the sons of the deity; who, coincidently, serve to explain the differences in life spans.

The illogical, the “others” we find inferred from the Garden of Eden, and specified in Gilgamesh as a lower species, later known as the barbarians – the stupid, or the superstitious we see in the evangelical communities of many faiths – are inferior people.

Eden is delightful in it’s inference that we are “all the children of” a deity. This is then brought into focus with the flood story – the children of the divine sons of Hashem – are restricted to 120 years of life, and so – with our lives restricted to 120 years – the “chosen people” become the grandchildren of Hashem.

Naturally, those who are inferior die even younger. All advanced cultures share the a priori reality that they are superior because they live longer. In Herodotus the debate is between those who live 80 years, and those who live 120 – with the implicit element that all other societies live shorter lives and are thus inferior.
Today’s piece is a difficult one to classify, does it belong in the origin of our family, Shreknangst, or under “mystic-voice”? Obviously the decision was made; but without specifically deciding. It ended here because this site hadn’t been posted to in a few days (vs. recent posts to both and

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Origins in "Ararat" -- dietary effect?

Date Line March 9, 2007

As we travel through time, making connections between the land of Ararat, the Biblical and Hg R1a1, we enter the period of the second diaspora, and return to the Hatti Culture in what is now Armenia and was, in the time of Abraham the land of the Chaldees.

In a marriage treaty, circa 580 BCE the king stimulates: "My sister, whom I gave you in marriage, has sisters; through your marriage, they now become your relatives. Well, there is a law in the land of the Hatti. Do not approach sisters, your sisters-in-law or your cousins; that is not permitted. In Hatti Land, whosoever commits such an act does not live; he dies. . . . In your country, you do not hesitate to marry your own sister, sister-in-law or cousin, because you are not civilized. Such an act cannot be permitted in Hatti."

Those who are familiar with the Leviticus marriage laws – supposedly the Laws of Moses established circa 1313 BCE (2448 Hebrew Year) – might recognize the restriction of Leviticus 18:9 et al.
Author’s aside:

I slept on this, this parallel and origin coincidence. Where did the laws of Moses originate?

Biblical historians agree that the laws were those which prevailed in the Middle East of 1300 BCE. What is interesting is the fact that these laws prevailed among the cultures which were centered in the area of biblical mythical history – the land around Ararat.

We can look to Babylonia, and even argue that it is well south of the Ararat region; but then, Babylonia owes its existence to the Assyrian.
The Assyrian bring us back to the land of the Hittite and Urartu; the Urartu, as is well known, are the people of Ararat from which they either took their name, or gave it.

We have the reality that Hg R1a1 is the prevailing Hg of those cultures which we all agree are “civilized.” If we look to the Hittite diaspora, and the later Assyrian repeat, we find that it was the educated, the leaders, the wealthy upon whom Jewish society was built, who were the people relocated – the vast majority remained behind.

In the Babylonia exile period, only about ten thousand (10,000) were relocated – only Judea remained in any condition which could be referred to as “intact”.

But note, it is from Babylonia that we acquire “The Book”, and where we are given the prophecies which resulted in both Christianity and Islam.

As best as any current DNA studies can show, the leadership of all the powerful nations were all of the same bloodline(s) Hg R1a and Hg G – the bloodlines of Anatolia and Caucasus. The customs we view as being the most “Judaic” were not reported in the Judea of 2500 to 3000 year ago. Nor were they reported in Babylonia. Rather, we find the laws and practice of circumcision in the Caucasus Mountains.

Only the Cohanim Modal Haplotype – which identifies descendants of Judea’s hereditary priesthood – is not associated with the Anatolian regions. One must wonder at the ancient DNA of Judea: Who were the leaders there? Not the common people, but the nobility.

Though academic in nature, this is not a purely academic question; it relates to the spread of culture and the fact that the Brahmin class of India – which is associated with the Rig Veda, and easily predates the diaspora – are both Ararat/Caucasus and “Nobility”. Thus it appears that we are tracking the noble class of the ancient-modern world.

It also seems that their health, marriage and dietary laws contributed to their superior status. This, in turn, can be tracked to the discovery of the benefit of vegetarian diet, or the mandatory elimination of meat fat from the diet (as mentioned in at least five chapters of law: Lev 3, 4, 7, 8, 9). The Anatolian “Sea peoples” ate fish.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Indo-European Aryans

Date Line March 9, 2007

Who are we? Or more accurately, who are the Indo-European Aryans and who is them? Well we know who they are, they are the Hg R1a and to a later extent Hg G.

In examining the migratory path taken by “children of the garden,“ we discover they traveled eastward into Northern India and, as can be expected, Hg R1a1 is predominant in North Western India.

Among one of the lower castes – keeping in mind the Indian Caste system is recent, having emerged in the 13th -15th century, Hg R1a1 is present in 21% of male population of Dalit-Pallar agriculturists. Which is to say, as expected, it is significantly present among farmers.

The Dalit represent the lowest caste grouping; we might equate them to the fulfillment of the curse placed upon Adam – (Genesis 3:18-19) “Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground.”

In practice, the Dalit are those who do the real dirty work – those who lack the skills and knowledge to be merchants, or scholars – they are one who do manual labor.

In keeping with the Biblical parallel, the Dalit can be viewed as the heirs to Canaan: (Ge 19:25) And (Noah) said, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”

In reality, when dealing with the Indian expansion, we are going back before the Biblical period; we are going back to the time when agriculture first developed in Anatolia, and when the water flooded over the people living where we now find the Adriatic Sea.

Interestingly, when we look to the roots of the caste system, we are also coming forward to 2300 BCE – the time of the flood migration – when there was a drought across Anatolia, which extended as far as Egypt, and saw the spread of farming into Northwestern India.

In this period we also have the emergence, or appearance, of the Bactria Margiana Archeology Complex in the region of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; there too we find the evidence of writing.

Concurrently, archaeologists have established abridge of exchanges between Mesopotamian and Indus Valley cultures. Of course, it is in the Indus Valley that we also find the Rig Veda – whose stanzas show customs and beliefs which anticipate the scripture which would later come to be called “The Book (Bible).”

For our study, it is worth noting that Hg R1a1 is Aryan, and that all non-Dalit, and non-Adivasi castes in Northern India are Aryan. It is also worth noting that, in Southern India, only the Brahmins are Aryan.

Of further note is the significance R1a1in all religious castes with a tradition involving descent from the son’s of the primary deity.

In Genesis 6:1-2 it states: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

This legend, phrased in terms of an earthly manifestation of Lord Shiva, as “Lord Mallikarjuna”, sees, falls in love with, and marries, “Chenchu Laxmi” – a young Chenchu maiden – their descendants are believed to be the Chenchus. Like the Levites, Chenchus carry the same yDNA Loci and hold a special place in the temple.

Chenchus who live as Adam & Eve in the Garden and, in seeming accordance with the biblical, eat only fruits, refuse to eat beef, and do not farm, are therefore considered by Hindus to be unpolluted.

One of the greatest mistakes we find, among those who read “The Book”, is the failure to recognize that multiple “gods” are still one deity – just viewed as components in a multi-tasking role.

Once a perspective in which all deities are components of one is in play, the matching of the origins of each religion and culture back to their common root becomes intuitively obvious.

Chaldees, Circumcision and Colchis

Date Line March 8, 2007

At this point in our journey it is worthwhile to mention, or reiterate, the DNA evidence and the regional association.

Fifty-two percent of Ashkenazi Levites are Hg R1a1 – the haplogroup which originated in Anatolia. The Creation Mythology associated with the Garden of Eden has been narrowed to the area to the east of Mount Ararat – location of the legendary ark landing. In short, the mythology does not belong to modern Israel, nor even to the region of ancient Judah.

Another genetic fact. Ten percent of Ashkenazi are Hg G. This is a genetic group also commonly found in Anatolia, and is specifically concentrated in the area north of the Caucasus Mountains – the former Soviet Georgia, which the ancients knew as Colchis.

Colchis is a rather interesting place. Situated on the eastern shores of the Black Sea, it is the kingdom of the legendary Golden Fleece; the kingdom where Herodotus (440 BCE) asserted circumcision was practiced. In the days of Herodotus, only Egyptians were known to practice circumcision – there was no “Israel.”

So we have it that the most significant identifier of the Judaic people is also identified in a location having close proximity to mythology central to Judaic texts. Who are the Jews? Who the admix?

As we see in the previous article, Abraham might well have originated in Anatolia, in the land where the deity Khaldi was worshiped by the Khaldians. Archaeologists are still debating, or determining, the true location of the scriptural Ur – it seems generally accepted that it was not the Ur identified with Persia (Iran), or modern Iraq.

We also know that the territories from which the “lost tribes” were relocated were originally settled – in biblical mythology times – by a people, farmers, who originated in Anatolia; and would therefore have the Hg associated with that region and time period.

As time progressed, shortly after the first diaspora – the relocation of Israel in 722 BCE – the Hittite Kingdom fell. The Khaldi once again bring us to Ararat known as the Kingdom of Urartu..

The Hebrews were effectively pointed back to, deported back to, a land from which they might well have come. Certainly it was a land of great importance and identification to them at the time when “The Book” was rendered to parchment.

Once again, note the proximity to Colchis on the Black Sea. The region to the north of which being associated with the character of Ashkenaz, grandson of Japheth, great-grandson of Noah (Ge 10:3).

Herodotus provides Colchis a place of importance by identifying them with the practice of circumcision and Egyptians, who he states:

“are the only people in the world – they at least, and such as have learnt the practice from them – who use circumcision. ....When they write or calculate, instead of going, like the Greeks, from left to right, they move their hand from right to left; and they insist, notwithstanding, that it is they who go to the right, and the Greeks who go to the left.”

Colchis was founded in the 13th century BCE – note: Moses dates to 1313 BCE and we are told reintroduced circumcision to his legion of Hebrew refugees.

This convergence of practices and times offers an interesting set of coincidences. They open the possibility that Moses was Hyksos, or was teaching and Egyptian practice learned from the Hyksos – also known as Habiru – who had been the Shepard Kings of Egypt for a hundred years.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On to Abraham - another Hg R1a1

Date Line March 7, 2007

Up to this point, we have been focusing on the correlation between Hg R1a and the Biblical Genesis – the location of the Garden of Eden and the children, the tribes, of Noah.

In both instances our investigation revolved around a small area of Anatolia located on the border junction between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. Biblically, Noah’s flood is associated with the Hebrew year 1540; that is 4228 years BP, or 2221 BCE.

As we travel toward the time of Abraham, and the introduction of circumcision, we need to stop at the meanings which underlie the names of Noah’s sons: Japheth, Shem, and Ham.

The territories of Japheth are those directly associated with Hg R1a – but what of symbolic meaning of the Name, or blessing? Japheth occupied Caucasus, and is therefore the figurative progenitor of the Slavic people; but he is also to dwell in the tents of Shem, and have Canaanites as his servants.

In reality, the Indo-Europeans (Hg R1a) founded the Silk Road and many of its related major religions. Shem gives us the term Semite. Can we therefore conclude that the Bible ordains that Semites shall own the shelter (real estate) in which Caucasians shall live?

As we move forward in time, we come to Abraham –circumcision – and the assertion that he found his wife Sarah among the Chaldees.

Another puzzle to puzzle over: Who were the Chaldees. We know the city Ur is mentioned, but who are the Chaldees? One possible definition: astronomers, men of learning; but another possibility is available, one which returns us to Anatolia, circa 1713 BCE.

Specifically, we will visit the Hittite kingdom and a cuneiform text which reads: “By the greatness of the God Chaldis, Argistia, son of Menuas, built this mighty stronghold ...” The followers of Chaldis are Khaldi, their’s is the land of the Chaldees.

The Hittite built their Kingdom in the territory the native culture of central Anatolia, the Hatti. The Hittite were, of course, Caucasian, their deity rendered them Chaldi (as it did members of the Urartu, synonymous with the Old Testiment Ararat).

As the map shows, it is from the land of his birth, the land of the Chaldees – Urartu – that Abraham entered Canaan (Ge 11:28). Is Abram’s “Ur” the one recently identified in in central Turkey – in the Hittite empire?

The insert identifies the Hittite Kingdom to the west of the Khadis, or Chaldi, Kingdom. Within the western region we find the Ur of the Old testiment Abram and Sarah. Of course, we are concerned with Hg R1a, which is precisely the Hg we would expect to have among the Hittite Kings; and given the biblical specification of the Khadis region as the origin of “mankind”, the case seems made.

Having reached the period of Abraham, during the Hittite era, it is worth noting that – just prior to the collapse of the Hittite empire – the Hittite engaged in a diaspora which returned the Israelites to Khadis, where they would have strengthened the Hg R1a1 presence in the genetic pool.

Approximately three hundred years later, after the second diaspora, Herodotus reports the existence of circumcision, the presence of people having and Egyptian appearance and the fact that this practice was unique to only this region and Egypt.

The history supports the scriptural guidelines and further and also shows a point at which the tribes of Shem and Japheth come together.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fiery Swords, Gold and other realities

Date Line March 6, 2007

As previously cited, Genesis 2:11 states the river Pishon encompasses the land of Havilah – where there is gold, bdellium and onyx stone; but where is this River Pishon?

Archaeologists now believe that only one site – Tepe Gawra on the Iranian plateau – yielded worked gold prior to 3000 BCE. Which is to say, the gold referenced in the land of Havilah most probably is from the Iranian plateau.

We also know there are substantial onyx reserves in central Anatolia; and that also forces the “Garden of Eden” to have been a reference to farming in Anatolia.

As it happens, Tepe Gawra is one of the oldest cities in the region, and level Gawra VIII ended at about 3750 BCE – only ten years after the beginning of the Hebrew Calendar, and what we can view as the beginning of the expulsion period.

Eastern Anatolia is the largest and highest region – average altitude of 1,500-2,000 m / 4,920-6,560 ft – it is here Noah’s Mount Ararat is located. This area is the nation’s most thinly populated region – long, severe winters, steep slopes and eroded soil render farming difficult; summer wheat and barley are the dominant crops.

Why did Noah’s ark come to ground on Mount Ararat? Well, as the song tells us, “The corn was as high as an elephant’s eye.” When spinning a yarn – putting what was known, that territories like the Adriatic flooded – one points to a image all listeners can identify.

Mount Ararat is the tallest mountain (technically: stratovolcano) in Anatolia, or, for that matter, throughout the Middle East. It is self-evident that the waters were deep and no ground was uncovered.

Obviously, Biblical authors – writing in the first millennium BCE – could sell an idea which would not have been bought at the time they assert the floods occurred, circa 2300 BCE. However, clearly, they could assert facts which were known from divergent sources.

In the context of divergent sources, we have the flaming swords of Eden – the “Curse of Akkad”, circa 2100 BCE, alluded to 'flaming potsherds raining from the sky' as causing the fall of a great city.

In other inscriptions, we find similar stories of fire in the sky – these could easily be volcanic activity; but there is also a meteor crater evidence from the biblical date of the “Garden.”

As for the “flood”, the Tales of Gilgamesh – with their deluge story – date from that period. There is also strong evidence of a sudden climate change causing the downfall of Anatolian societies. These droughts went as far south as Egypt, and thus provide a basis for the seven years of famine dream interpretation by Joseph (Ge 41).

The key point to consider is that each of the biblical stories has a basis, or association, to factual events which are spun by the writer to fit the unification narrative which brought together the various peoples.
As we move on, let us keep in mind the words of Gautama Buddha:
* Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
* Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
* Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
* But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

And with those words in mind, recall these words of caution were spoken about the time of the Babylon Diaspora – a time when the bible was penned in a form approximating that we find it in today.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Entering Historic Reality -- 3760 BCE

Date Line March 5, 2007

We now see three maps connected by statements, archaeology and and yDNA. The statements are those of Genesis, which we can use – and, as others have used – to establish that the social roots of the possibility that the first farming community were in a region north of the fertile crescent. This is also the origin of Hg R1a.

Genesis 2:8-15 places the “garden” at headwaters of the Euphrates and Tigris. It also tells us that, associated with the expulsion, there were “fiery swords” in the air – most likely volcanic activity.

We are also told the river Pishon encompasses the land of Havilah – which has gold, bdellium and onyx stone. Thus we have specific geological information; the Gihon encompasses the land of Cush.

To the east of the garden are cherubim and “a flaming sword which turned every way” to protect the tree of life. The latter shows the beginning of nationalistic egotism – that their land holds the key to eternal life.

This egotism is continued with the curse placed upon any who slay Cain – a seven-fold punishment – and later the curse which Lemech takes upon himself (a seventy-fold retaliation for slaying a man). It is “Thou shalt not kill”; but with the beauty of. “Thou shalt not kill the killer.”

Think about it. Is this not the ultimate Biblical prohibition against the death penalty? The killer is to be marked, but not hurt. Isn’t it the ultimate condemnation of retaliation and revenge killing? Isn’t it a denunciation of the “Honor Killing”found in primitive Islam?

But we digress. The subject is Shreknangst and Hg R1a origins, or roots. Those roots were planted in 3761 BCE (Biblically abt. 5768 years Before Present, based Hebrew Calendar).

As we have no basis to assert the ages of Adam & Eve when the garden was closed to them, we cannot really assert a chronology from creation. Reading the text, we find no age reference prior to the “expulsion.”

It is possible the mythology authors considered Adam & Eve to be ageless while within proximity to the Tree of Life – this concept would be consistent with the “you will surely die” threat (Ge 3:3).

Assuming that Adam & Eve could not die while in the garden, the beginning of the Hebrew could can be zeroed to the expulsion.

The birth of Cain and Able follows immediately an so the authors could neither state “Adam was not yet 1 year old at the birth of Cain”; nor could they credibly state, “Adam was not yet 3 years old at the birth of Able.” Thus we have the first age given after the two have grown, and Able killed. We are told, “Adam lived 130 years (outside the garden), and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Seth.” (Ge 5: 3)

Thus we have Seth born, in Asia Minor, about 3630 BCE. With this information we can begin looking for civilizations which are divided into two lines – those of Cain and Seth.

We also know that it is in the line of Cain we will find a city, in the garden region, dated to about 3760 BCE; therefore we should also find evidence of Tubal-Cain (Ge 4:22) “the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron.” Indicating an existing culture.
Dating to this period, the world’s oldest city, Hamoukar, is located in a remote part of Syria, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Hamoukar has been dated to approximately 4000 BCE – making it both older than Sumer, and placing it in the right location to be the city of Cain.

Archeological evidence of locally grown wheat, oats and barley at Tell Hamoukar indicates an absence of irrigated fields. It therefore appears northeastern Syria was once much wetter than it is today – this conforms to evidence of a major drought which is the topic of a future article dealing with the period around 2300 BCE.

The undated family tree flows from Adam, via Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lemech, to Tubal-Cain, spans six 30-year generations from Cain – 180 years, or 3580 BCE, to an iron age.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Aryan Heirs to Cain

Date Line March 3, 2007

Let us postulate a theory: the Proto-Indo-Europeans were, as we see in the Biblical description of Adam, the first true agriculturists. We know that he begins his farming on a river whose four heads are named: Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. (Genesis 2:8-15)

Having gained “knowledge,” the branch of humanity epitomized by Adam & Eve moves out of Eden – and thence forth tills the earth to become a farmer. Eventually they have Cain, who kills his brother and is turned into a nomadic – protected by a “Mark of Cain.”

Cain becomes the builder of cities, and in a few generations comes the nomadic aspect – Adah & Jabal, (Ge 4:20) parents of those who lived in tents. Also born here is Jubal, father of musicians, or those who handle the harp & pipe.

Next is the second critical connection to the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Tubal-Cain, identified as “the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron.”

Finally we have the third son of Adam, Seth, who was the ancestor of those who became known as the Hebrews; and with that we see, within one chapter (Genesis 4) what can be taken as the prehistory of Proto-Indo-European culture.

Based upon the locations and facts affirmable through archaeology and yDNA haplogroup identification, it is clear that, from a biblical perspective, “chosen people” are identified as Haplogroup (Hg) R.

Naturally, there are those who will be put-off by the usage of Bible references, mythologies, as history; the key element is that all myth must invoke fact to be accepted at the time it is proffered.

There is irrefutable fact that Farming began in the Fertile Crescent – what is called the Levant, or Levantine Culture. It is also evident from archaeological finds that the mud brick and city construction emerged concurrent with farming technologies.

Blood types and digestive enzymes also changed with diet, thus it is true on a biological level – “we are what we eat.” As mentioned, pastoral farmers (Cain & Abel types) evolved specialized enzymes which allowed for the digestion of animal milk sugar – becoming lactose tolerant.

Lactose tolerance is a blood whisper to connect one race to those who the ancients named Adam & Eve. We have another interesting tie to the scriptural story – genetically, DNA studies have Eve older than Adam and so prove the accuracy of the “genealogy.”

OK, so you are screaming “This guy’s and idiot! Everyone knows Adam preceded Eve!” Yep, everyone knows that, but many fail to make the connection to a storyline which terminates mankind and restarts it with Noah. It’s a coincidence which affirms religion.

Fortunately, debates on such nuance “niceties” are not relevant to this discussion or investigation. What is significant is the facts which are woven into the story – facts common to the oral history of the speakers and so reveal their reference origins.

The place used for Biblical reference, the cultural changes, all that they invented and knew, originated around the Black Sea – in the area which gave rise to Hg R1a. These are the descendants of Cain, and (through Noah) of Japheth.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Point of Origin

Date Line March 1, 2007

Many Biblical scholars – and religious fanatics – have quested after the actual locations identified in the Book of Genesis. Using the traditional document resources, archaeological survey techniques and DNA genealogy, we can reasonably narrow the area of search.

One method is to backtrack based upon a simple assumption – the places named were local to a single people, a single family or tribe of finite number.

Within this assumption – as we know to be observable in isolated aboriginal communities – we can hold that “the world” is a limited geographical location; and not the totality of the planet Earth.

We know, and CIA analysis technics rely upon the factual reality, that people generally live out their lives within fifty miles of where they are born. This is changing – but not when we consider the underlying reason: people retain contact with their tribal (community) family and friends.

In today’s world we might think “Networking” in place of tribal; but the basics remain the same. We create a community – which is only six steps (personal connections) removed from those we relate to.

In the quest for Shreknangst origins, ours is the reality that the yDNA anchors us to the Caucasus (Caucasian) Mountains near the Black Sea – here origin point of the R haplogroup and R1a-R1a1haplotypes

As we are, at this point, utilizing the Old testament references, it is worth noting that fifty-two (52%) percent of Ashkenazi Levites – the largest of the Jewish ethnic groups – are R1a1. Thus, they have their roots and origins in the Northern Levant, the Northern area of the Fertile Crescent which lies in Northern Iran, Northern Iraq, and Eastern Turkey.

It is in this area of the Levant that farming emerged; it is here that we find the “universal” flooding of the earliest farmland; and it is here that we find the geology associated with the Genesis descriptions.

It is therefore reasonable to assert the first farm family – the Biblical Adam & Eve - and their children, were Haplogroup R. As we will see in later articles, it is reasonable to hold that these individuals were what has been called the “Aryan Race.”

And YES! They also included the Slavic peoples, and a variety of other “mythological” founders identified in the writings of other cultures – one of the earliest being the Rig Veda associated with the Indus Valley culture which gave birth to Hindu and Buddhist religions and scriptural teachings.

More significantly, The original Aryans included those who we now refer to as Ashkenazi Levites and Brahmins.

Based upon yDNA, and related “mythology”, can be said that we can include another Indian subcontinent Caste population, the Chenchu, in this connection. We can also extend our connection to include the Mongolian and Chinese R1a populations.

Based upon the commonality of yDNA, we can extrapolate a strong likelihood that any and all “universal flood” legends have, at their core, the existence of the “Judaic-Slavic-Aryan” R haplogroup among the priestly class, or the “deities” to which the local mythology points in explanation of its origins.

NOTE: For the purpose of our investigation, the base haplogroup -haplotype being used is represented here with the corresponding geographical and ethnic connection.
